Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Treasuring Time

For this project I decided to look at treasuring time from a parents perspective. Especially from a young age keepsakes are collected and treasured as a child grows up. I drew inspiration from things like bronzed baby boots and plaster casting of hands to create my treasuring product.

The idea is that this product once purchased has a pre-paid life of 5 uses. This would be a baby shower gift to the parents. Once in possession of the present it is up to the parent when to use it. To use the gift all the parent has to do is scan or photocopy the child's hand or feet and send it to the manufacturer. The idea being that once the scan is received an impression or relief can be made from the material of your choice and sent back to you.
After the products life has come to an end, the user will have a visually chronological view of their child's growth.


Tom Wilson said...

i like the idea of recording babys hands or feet. its one of those areas that people would proably cough up a heap for. i dont really know what it looks like with out pictures.

The Social Log said...

Treasuring your childs growth is very important and i like this idea....much less mess than the original clay imprints we likely all did at pre school. I dont think cost is really a problem especially for a couples first child....its the joy of watching and recording the growth of their child that it the most important...and this being a non traditional new idea parents would love